Emily drove came from Cleveland to my studio is Cuyahoga Falls to let me photograph her. I was her first boudoir photography experience (but she was totally a natural).
We met in 2008 while we both worked at Susan's Coffee in Kent, but didn't keep in contact outside of social media. When I posted a model call searching for someone who would allow me to use images of them for my portfolio, I was pleasantly surprised when Emily responded to me saying she'd be interested. Knowing she had moved to Cleveland, I was happy she was willing to make the trip to the Akron area for me.
It was fun catching up and reminiscing about old times back in our barista days.
She brought several items with her, and also wore a green velvet bodysuit from my client closet that looked amazing on her ( we all know how much I love velvet, right?)
With those haunting blue eyes, Emily is just as beautiful as she was last time I had seen her, all those years ago.